Premier Home Cotton

Premier Home Cotton
I buy it from them direct here.

I love this yarn. I use it often and a lot of it. For the price it's hard to beat and for availability it's almost impossible to beat. I have found this everywhere I have looked for it, often on sale and always ready to ship or pick up out of a bin.

And the balls are center pull!!! (huge plus for Ruth... HUGE)
No, it's not all fluffy soft tiny perfect little strands of cotton like some of the finer quality cottons made for clothing... this is workhorse strong reliable quality cotton that takes a beating and still looks gorgeous. If you're looking for clothing grade Premier has other cotton yarns. This is the cotton I prefer.

Wash cloths to light shawls and summer wraps... and literally everything in between.

I have made baby toys, teethers, blankets, breast feeding covers and re-useable pads for nursing moms, shawls, bags, market bags, festival bags, makeup bags, clutches and all of the expected things like washcloths, soap keepers and scrubbies from this yarn. You need only surf my shop to find Premier Home Cotton all over it. :D

I also dye this yarn and it takes REALLY WELL... I mean... REALLY WELL.
I dye the white, cream and tan most often, and other lighter colors or speckled colors

I'm not going through all the checklist stuff anymore on my reviews. Low price, reliably available and reliably high quality and very versatile. That's all anyone really needs to know.


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